This pair of Spirits from Reaper were very difficult, and in the end I could not pull off the effect I was after. I wanted to make them look like they were glowing from within. So, I base coated them with purple, and then tried dry-brushing successively darker layers over top. Several attempts at that were all bad. In the end, I resorted to airbrushing, trying to achieve an interesting fade of color from purple to green. After highlighting that, I wanted to create an effect where the front of the spirits were highlighted by the approaching adventures torches and lanterns, so I used an airbrush to spray down from the front. I don’t have much experience with an airbrush, though, so it was a disaster. The airbrush started spitting, so the “torchlight” is extremely grainy, not silky-smooth like it should be to look like it’s lit by a light source. So, for multiple reasons, I’m disappointed in how these turned out…
Spirit #1:
Spirit #2: