From the Wizards box set, I envisioned this guy as a court wizard, rather than an adventuring wizard. His staff has a skull on the top end, and I couldn’t resist adding a cobra, a-la Jafar, coming out of the eye socket. The robes fade from purple to orange, top to bottom.
Tag: set
Grenadier: Medusa
This medusa is from the Monsters box set. The snake hair is pretty small and difficult to see that they’re snakes…
Grenadier: Archmage with Snap-in Spells
This guy is kind of special. He came with a hand (a la Bigby’s Crushing Hand and its variants) and a monster head (a la Monster Summoning family of spells) that could be swapped in and out of the cloud above the archmage’s head. He comes from the Wizards box set.
Grenadier: Another Hireling
This poor guy has been saddled into carrying another poor guy off the battlefield. Something must have gone wrong with this adventure…
Grenadier: Bard
I painted this bard for one of the kids in my Kids’ D&D game. He is from the Grenadier Explorers large box set.
Grenadier: Halfling Hireling
This is the little halfling hireling from the Grenadier Hirelings box set. For no particular reason, I gave him a blue torch flame. Maybe he’s the canary in the coalmine…
Grenadier Vampire
Another of the right-hand-raised undead from the Monsters box set. White, black, and red are probably the hardest colors to paint well. The shading is so sensitive; white is had to avoid making muddy, black is hard to make not look gray, and red is hard not to make orange or pink. So this guy took some work, and obviously I still need practice.
Grenadier Lich
Nearly done with the undead from the Grenadier Monsters box set. Right hand raised? Check.
It took three tries to get this guy done. I originally had him black but didn’t like it so stripped him back down and tried red. I didn’t like that, either, so I stripped him down again. Then, my friend Mike over at Swords and Dorkery, painted this mini in purple, which looked great, so I did likewise. Hopefully Mike will remember that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery…
Grenadier Wraith
Another undead from the Grenadier Monsters box set. This guy is the only undead of the set that doesn’t have the right-hand-raised feature.
I cut off the original broccoli base and put him hovering over a marble-like floor. He’s supposed to be glowing from inside his hood and sleeves. I think I should have pushed the glowing effect a little more, as in these photos it comes of too dim.
Grenadier Ghoul
Also from the Grenadier Monsters box set, here is a ghoul that I used Army Painter’s Strong Tone with. I only highlighted his hair and the bumps on his forehead. For future minis, I will definitely do more highlighting. Instead of using Vallejo Model Color’s Dead Flesh like I used with the zombie, I used a pale gray for the skin. I’m not very happy with the combination of that with the Strong Tone. Sorastro used Citadel’s Palid Wych Flesh as the skin base color, which I don’t have, so I tried to approximate it.
I added the bone that he’s licking. All the undead in this set have a similar pose in which the right arm is held up for no apparent reason. I feel compelled to add a reason. I probably should have put a headstone behind him or something, too.
Edit: Mike Monaco (from pointed out that this is the ghoul from the monsters set, not a wight. Thanks Mike! If you like what you see on this site, you should definitely check out Mike’s site. He’s a painting MACHINE!