Here are nine more oldies I painted ages ago.
The first group I left with the bases I originally gave them. They include:
- RP 11-007 Elf Magic Users (Male)
- Grenadier 2001 Wizards box set Enchanter (2001 is not the year, just the set number.)
- RP 11-012 Halfling Fighter Thieves (Female)
- ??? Dude with unicorn on his head
The second group I’ve spruced the bases up a bit. The second group includes:
- RP 61-002 Wizard with Staff
- Games Workshop (Female Fighter)
- RP 61-003 Cleric with Mace
- Harlequin (Female with Bow)
The last mini I have not modified; it is my first attempt at a snow base. I used cotton, which you can see is now discolored. I was also shooting for a frosted armor appearance. He is from 1994 Games Workshop, like the female fighter above.