I painted this mini with golden armor, silver chainmail cape, and red shield. Then I splattered mud texture (Vallejo Earth Texture) all over it and put gloss varnish over it. The idea is that she is fighting in rain and mud. Now I wish I had kept her pristine, because the paint job on the armor and shield was really nice before the mud…
Tag: Female
Another Oldie Rebased
Here is the female counterpart to the Ral Partha 11-001 Fighters male in the previous post.
I was tinkering with making scrolls and banners. I don’t really have any idea why there would be a large scroll sitting in the grass behind this warrior. Maybe she just read some proclamation of death and destruction against her enemy, and now she is sallying forth to dish it out…or something…
Half-Orc Female Barbarian
This is a Half-Orc Female Barbarian from Wiz Kids Deep Cuts range for Pathfinder. This line of plastic minis comes pre-coated with Vallejo primer. This is a nice touch, but it causes two issues for me. First, when something is bent and needs straightened, such as the pole she is holding, I dare not soak it in hot water to reshape it. Second, if you scrape off mold lines then you also scrape off the primer. The more I paint, the more mold lines bother me, so I had to reprime several parts of the mini. The same applies if you modify the sculpt, like I did when I chopped off the original axe head from the pole.
An old friend messaged me and asked if I could paint up this mini for his sister for Christmas. His family has a game going in which she plays one of these. I said sure. I asked if she had any color scheme in mind. No. What is her favorite color? She has no favorite but she kinda likes indigo. Oh and she uses a flail, not an axe. That’s all I had to go on.
The detail on her legs gave me some trouble. It wasn’t clear to me what was supposed to be on her legs. I finally decided that they were thigh armor plates with an array of throwing knives dangling from her belt.
The weapon was originally an axe. I chopped the blade off and used some paperclip and contour putty to fashion three ball-and-chain type attachments which I superglued to the top of the pole. Normally, I try to embed attachments like these into the existing material so that they are completely secure. In this case the pole was just too skinny.
Also, I don’t usually do blacklining, but I thought the pants and all their leather straps could use some extra definition. You see it best in the rear view photo below.
I finished it off with earth texture (Vallejo) on the base with some rocks, field grass, bushes (Woodland Scenics) , and lowland shrubs (Army Painter).
07262: Tuilin, Female Elf
Here is Tuilin, from Reaper. My wife, daughter, and some folks on Facebook all chimed in on the color scheme. I started with the white dress and then started asking opinions about what to do with the trim, staff, gemstones, and the rest of the fiddly bits. My daughter specifically requested that yellow flowers be in the grass. Who am I to disappoint a 5-year old?
This is my biggest attempt at painting white clothing, which is difficult to pull off without it reading as gray, blue, or dirty. Also, this is my first attempt at black hair, which I’m happier with than the dress. The key is making the highlights tight enough to avoid making the hair read as gray, white, blue, or just splotchy. The blending of the shades in the dress folds is not as smooth as I’d like it. I didn’t have the patience to keep blending and blending.